Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships

Resilience, Rights & Respectful Relationships


The Resilience, Rights, and Respectful Relationships (RRRR) program at Sunbury West Primary School is an essential component of student learning and well-being. This program is designed to help students develop the skills they need to navigate the challenges of life, build healthy relationships, and become positive members of their community.

The RRRR program focuses on promoting social and emotional learning by teaching children about values such as respect, empathy, kindness, and responsibility. These values are integrated into the school's culture and curriculum, enabling students to see their relevance and importance in real-life situations.


In addition to promoting positive social and emotional development, the RRRR program also emphasises the importance of promoting gender equity and preventing family violence. Through interactive classroom discussions, students learn about the concepts of consent, healthy relationships, and respect for diversity. This helps students develop the skills they need to interact positively with others and promote a safe and inclusive school environment.


The RRRR program is vital to student learning because it provides students with the necessary skills to succeed academically and socially. By promoting social and emotional learning, the program helps students develop a growth mindset, a positive attitude towards challenges, and resilience. These skills not only help students overcome academic challenges, but they also prepare them to deal with the challenges of life beyond the classroom.


Moreover, the RRRR program supports the development of positive school culture and promotes a sense of belonging among students. When students feel safe and supported, they are more likely to engage in learning, express themselves freely, and be willing to take risks. This can lead to increased academic achievement, higher self-esteem, and greater life satisfaction.


In conclusion, the RRRR program at Sunbury West Primary School is a critical component of student learning and well-being. By promoting social and emotional learning, preventing family violence, and promoting gender equity, the program helps students develop the skills they need to succeed academically and socially. It also supports a positive school culture and fosters a sense of belonging among students, which is crucial for academic success and personal growth.


The Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships learning material covers eight topics at Foundation, Level 1-2, Level 3-4 and Level 5-6. 


Topic 1: Emotional Literacy

Topic 2: Personal Strengths

Topic 3: Positive Coping

Topic 4: Problem Solving

Topic 5: Stress Management

Topic 6: Help Seeking

Topic 7: Gender and Identity

Topic 8: Positive Gender Relations

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