Students' health, safety and wellbeing are essential to learning and development. An inclusive, safe, orderly and stimulating environment is critical to achieving and sustaining students' positive learning experiences.
School-Wide Positive Behaviours
In 2018 the school introduced School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS). This evidence-based whole-school framework provides the school with an approach to improving all students' social, emotional, behavioural, and academic outcomes. Research has shown that SWPBS successfully reduces problem behaviour and improves school culture. The school has focused on developing a behaviour matrix, a review of the school's behaviour management policy and ongoing learning to develop student's personal and social capabilities. This work has emphasised whole-school approaches to welfare and discipline, building alignment and continuity of practice.
Our school values are: we respect, we belong, we strive. These are inherent in our school promise, which we all recite at every assembly. Our school has continued to offer many opportunities designed to assist children in developing connectedness with each other and building resilience and self-esteem.
Examples of these are:
Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships
All students at Sunbury West participate in the Respectful Relationships program. This research-based initiative supports and teaches students how to build healthy relationships, resilience and confidence. This is a whole-school approach that creates a culture of respect and gender equality across our school community and promotes the development of interpersonal skills in our students. Topics covered at all levels include Emotional Literacy, Personal Strengths, Positive Coping and Help-Seeking.
At Sunbury West Primary School, we provide an inclusive education for all students, where eligible students with diagnosed disabilities are supported through the Program for Students with Disabilities and our Language Support Program. If a specific learning need is identified, the school has access to Student Support Services via the Department of Education. These services are comprised of a broad range of professionals, including psychologists, speech pathologists and social workers. Student support services work as part of an integrated health and wellbeing team within areas of schools, focusing on providing student support, workforce capacity building and access to specialised services.
At Sunbury West, we are fortunate to have a Chaplain available for two days a week. The role provides pastoral care and general spiritual, social and emotional comfort to all students, irrespective of their faith or beliefs. This can include support and guidance​ about ethics, values, relationships and spiritual issues; the provision of student welfare; and enhancing engagement with the broader community.
Our Chaplain is an integral part of our Student Wellbeing Team. Chaplaincy complements our Student Wellbeing Program with the provision of help to support the personal and social wellbeing of students and the wider school community. The main goal is to provide the children with a sense of belonging and connectedness. All general interactions with the children are secular, and the service is entirely voluntary. The initial consultation is at the request of parents, teachers or children.
Chaplaincy work at the school is often highly sensitive and confidential, which can make the attributes of the program and its value seemingly invisible. However, Chaplaincy is regularly reactive, with the Chaplain responding to most situations and needs.
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