1:1 BYoD Program

1 to 1 iPad Program

Students from 3-6 are invited to bring their iPad to school every day.

Sunbury West Primary School aims to develop independent and interdependent, reflective, global learners who strive to improve in learning and achieve their best.


This includes developing the confidence to take risks, trusting self and others, using initiative, and adapting to change
or to emerging needs and trends. We value learning with and from others, developing teams of enquiring people, encouraging meaningful conversations, and valuing the contributions of others. At the same time, we want to be outward-looking, searching for greater knowledge and inviting others to support us in establishing a culture of curiosity.


The 1 to 1 Digital Learning Program will support us to continue providing the highest quality education to our school community. The effective use of ICT helps to engage students in their learning and individualise student programs. It also assists students in making connections with what they are learning and with the world outside of the classroom. Tools and
processes for effective communication, collaboration, and creating collective meaning between teachers, students, parents, and the school community are additionally enhanced through our 1 to 1 program. Improved access to computers will provide a platform for a deeper understanding of concepts and information for all students. It will give teachers consistent access to tasks that are the whole world and the big picture.


Digital technologies are increasingly transforming the way we work, live, learn, and play, offering new opportunities, better tailoring educational choices, and unprecedented access to services and resources. Social media, online games, multimedia, cloud computing, interoperable systems, and mobile learning have become a pervasive and necessary part of everyday life.


Mobile devices, such as iPads, and their associated apps can be used in educational settings as an annotation tool; to enable creation and composition; facilitate social networking; and provide rich tools to capture and edit video, audio, and images. The portability, flexibility, and natural intuitive interfaces make iPads ideal devices for students to develop skills, such as creativity, innovation, communication, and collaboration.


Why iPads?

  • iPads offer a massive range of learning experiences for your child through an ever-increasing selection of apps
  • Children love to engage with iPad learning and, when asked, believe they learn better when using a device
  • Teachers believe students engage better and are more motivated when doing iPad activities
  • The iPad itself offers options for learning not previously available such as voice recorder and playback facilities which help improve the fluency of students' reading
  • By using an iPad and Airplay, teachers can record and share a lesson with students who can, in turn, be played back numerous times to support learning
  • iPads are mobile; therefore, learning is mobile and ongoing
  • Apple provides possibly the most secure operating system on a mobile device
  • The use and possibilities provided by an iPad are limited only by the user's imagination
  • Students use devices from an early age, and by the time they are in school, it is often second nature
  • The iPad resonates with students and the growing mobile generation as they learn to work, share, create, and communicate
  • E-learning is here to stay, and as parents and educators, we must listen to students who are telling us technology helps them achieve their academic outcomes.

Sunbury West Primary School gives families the choice to purchase a device from the JB Hi-Fi Solutions Portal or from elsewhere that meets our minimum specifications. This way, families can take advantage of education discounts or purchase a device through a reseller of their choice. We recognise that having a single device does not always meet the requirements or preferences of every student and their family.


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