
At Sunbury West, teaching and learning is based on a stimulating and challenging curriculum that caters for the academic, social, emotional and physical wellbeing of students, building on the distinct yet transitional needs of students in the Early Years and Middle Years, respectively.

Emphasis is placed on ´how students learn´ by identifying individual learning styles, modalities and intelligences, and the ability to respond to these within the context of the classroom and broader school programs.

Curriculum delivery is derived from the Victorian Curriculum, with a view to lifelong learning. Our curriculum aims:


To develop students as:

  • Community members who contribute socially, economically and culturally to society
  • Responsible individuals capable of relating to family, friends and colleagues
  • Informed citizens who understand and contribute to civil and community relations at a local, national and global level

In a world which is:

  • Global in its outlook and influences
  • Consistently changing at an ever-increasing pace
  • Underpinned by high speed and interactive ICT

So that they can:

  • Manage themselves as individuals and in relation to others
  • Understand the world in which they live
  • Act effectively in that world

Literacy and Numeracy form the foundations for all learning, and these disciplines are taught via structured teaching blocks and applied within meaningful contexts through an integrated curriculum.

Learning areas such as Humanities, Science, Health and Technology form the host subjects for integrated curriculum topics and are developed via a child-centred, inquiry approach to learning. Knowledge, skills and understandings are taught through meaningful contexts and, where possible, authentic experiences that contribute to the school and broader community.

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) is an integral tool within the classroom program. In 2016 the school introduced a 1:1 iPad Digital Literacy Program in Years 5 and 6. Students can also access laptops, classroom sets of iPads and our learning technology centre through regularly timetabled sessions.

Sunbury West Primary School takes pride in its community spirit and learning within and beyond the classroom.

´Together we learn, Together we grow.´

© Copyright Sunbury West Primary School