Unfortunately due to our building works and upgrades our Canteen will not be in operation until further notice.
The Lunch Box Canteen
Sunbury West started operating its own canteen in 2000. The Canteen is open Wednesday to Friday and we provide a range of both hot and cold foods, healthy snacks and drinks.
Our menu follows both Nutrition Australia and Government Guidelines. Our menu is marked to assist our children and parents in the selection of everyday foods (green) and items that should be selected carefully (amber). We don't sell confectionery or soft drinks.
Once a term we have Special Meal Deal Days, which in the past have included Pizza Days, Hot Dog days and Footy Meal Days.
Menus are distributed to the children every term and guidelines are listed on the back of the menu to assist parents with the ordering and daily running of the canteen.
Click here for our current Menu
Let's do lunch - just you, me and the kids
Would you like to help out in our canteen?
We can never have too many volunteers in the canteen, but sometimes we don’t have enough. The more people that volunteer the lighter the load, so please sign up for as much or as little time as you can give.
Apart from the obvious joy your children get when you are rostered on, the canteen is a great informal way to meet other parents and make a valuable contribution to your child’s school.
Please don’t be scared or shy, the duties are light and easy, everyone is welcome and any help you can give would be greatly appreciated.
Unfortunately due to health and safety reasons, toddlers and preschoolers are not allowed in the canteen during its operation. All volunteers need to provide a copy of their Working with Children Check to the office.
Thank you in anticipation of your vital support.
© Copyright Sunbury West Primary School