eNews 19th July 2021

Issue No 14


Principal's Report - July

Welcome back to Term 3! It is hard to believe that we are already halfway through the school year. We have many events and activities planned for this term including Year 5 /6 Camp, P-2 Melbourne Zoo excursion, Wakakirri and interschool sporting activities to name a few.

We are also looking forward to our Celebration dinner on the 4th September to mark Sunbury West’s 50th Anniversary. We look forward to past and present members of our school community attending and remind everyone that tickets must be purchased before the 6th August.

COVID Update

We thank our families again for their ongoing support and patience during our transition back into remote learning. We all hope that the lock down is a short one and that all students will be back on site very soon.

We will continue to provide updates as information comes to hand from the Department of Education, who only receives the government’s announcements at the same time as everyone else.

Curriculum Day

Monday 26th July is a pre-planned Curriculum Day. Staff will be attending professional delvelopment which was organised early in the year. Therefore no students will be at school on Monday 26th July - there will be no remote learning lessons for this day and no supervision for on-site learning if we are still in lockdown.

Parent / Teacher Interviews

At this stage, our Parent / Teacher Interviews are scheduled for Week 3 and bookings for these are now open. We envisage that these will all be held in The Hub. Parents attending must sign in with the QR code before entering the building and use designated entry and exit points. Face masks must be worn at all times and social distancing rules must be adhered to.

Please endeavour to arrive just before your interview so that we can minimise the number of people congregating in the waiting space.

Interviews will be strictly for 15 minutes only and we ask all parents to be respectful of this so that you are not impacting on the time of others. The interviews will be followed by School Council so the last interview will also need to finish on time. If parents believe they need longer than the allocated time, please contact the office so that an alternative arrangement can be made.


Term 3 2021

Monday 23rd - Friday 27th August - Book Week Book Week Parade & Canteen Meal Deal events will be reschedued to Term 4.

Thursday 16th September - Yr 6 Graduation and Special Group Photo Day

Thursday 16th September - Canteen Sausage Sizzle Meal Deal

Friday 17th September - Last Day of Term 3 - Students finish at 2.30pm

Curriculum Day

Monday 26th July is a pre-planned Curriculum Day. Staff will be attending professional delvelopment which was organised early in the year. Therefore no students will be at school on Monday 26th July - there will be no remote learning lessons for this day and no supervision for on-site learning if we are still in lockdown.

Student Reports

Reports will be published in Week 2. Details regarding the format for the interviews will be sent out shortly, pending COVID restrictions.

Prep News

The Preps have made a terrific start to Term 3! 

For Inquiry they are learning about animals and have started by discussing pets. They wrote about their own pets and also wrote some facts they know about different pets. They are also looking at skip counting for maths. They have learnt about skip counting by 5's using hands and 10's using their feet!

Year 3/4 Inquiry

As the final part of the 3/4 Inquiry unit "Who Makes the Rules?" the 3/4 students designed a group name and flag, and came up with ideas for promises and rules. Our Year 1/2s were a fabulous audience members and voters! The 3/4s showed they have fantastic ideas for leaders - possibly a future Prime Minister here at Sunbury West!


We had a Housemates event to celebrate NAIDOC week. The students discussed the theme of 'Heal Country' and how we can take care of the earth we live on. As a group they coloured in pieces of a puzzle to create a beautiful map of Australia! 

The Canteen Is Back

Finally we can announce the long awaited return of our school canteen.
The canteen is open on Wednesday's and Thursday's only. Lunch orders close at 8.15am sharp on these days. You can order in advance but please make sure you check the delivery date. To order your child/ren a lunch order you will need to download the Qkr! app on to your smart device. (Instructions attached) Please make sure your childs class details are up to date.

The canteen is open on Wednesday's and Thursday's only. Lunch orders close at 8.15am sharp on these days. You can order in advance but please make sure you check the delivery date.

Lunch orders cannot be ordered over the counter. The counter is for snack purchases at lunchtime only.

A copy of our new menu is also attached.

Parent helpers are always needed and welcomed in our canteen so if you are free to help on a Wednesday or Thursday between 9am-12.30pm please let the office know. For safety reasons children are not permitted in the canteen.

For more information please contact the office.

Sunbury West 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner

You are invited to the Sunbury West 50th Anniversary Celebration Dinner! 
Please see invitation below (over 18's only).

Tickets are now selling - order though Qkr!, Cash or Eft at the office so you don't miss out!!

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